Friday, November 22, 2013

Deja Vu

There is only one way to start this blog post...
{we are having ANOTHER baby}

I read over the post announcing the news of our first baby, that I wrote less than a year ago, before writing this one and I have to say the feelings of excitement and fear are EXACTLY the same.  The only difference is that we did not wait so long for this precious one.  

"Was this planned?"is the question we have been getting, and the answer is.. ish.  
Because it took quite a while to get pregnant with Gabbi, we thought maybe it would take a while this time too, so we decided that we would just let it happen and be ready anytime.  The morning we found out was pretty funny because we wanted to yell and scream but we had a 3 and half month old snoozing not far from us!  We laughed and cried and hugged for a long time.  

I quickly called our nurse to make sure it was even possible and asked if I should take more tests to make sure, and she says "oh yeah, it's always possible but if it makes you feel better you can test again!" so she made us an appointment.  We took Gabbi with us to meet her new sibling, even though she didn't have a clue what was happening, and sure enough there was the tiny grain of rice with a heart beating away.  The time is flying by this time.  Today we went for our second appointment and my blood work.  I am 11 weeks and we couldn't believe how big the baby had gotten.  Fast heart beat like Gabbi's was and already moving all around!  Our doctor laughs at our jokes about having just gone through this and suggested we name the baby "Deja"!  

I guess that is it for now.  We will go back just before Christmas to see if we can see any boy or girl parts!  For now I will be praying for big {little} sister, a healthy new baby, an appetite, energy, and that the awful heartburn does not happen this time!  All encouraging comments are more than welcome.  I have mostly been getting comments like "this is going to be hard" or "wow that will be tough" or "Gabbi won't even get to be a baby".  You can imagine that those are a little discouraging so I'm working through that.  God's plan is perfect, all the time.  With our first miracle His timing took much longer than we liked,  and with this miracle it was a little sooner than we expected.  But either way, it is perfect and we are just thrilled.  Why God thinks I can handle 2 babes 11 months apart I do not know, but I know that He can handle it!

Thank you Jesus for this new sweet baby, thank you for the sweet baby we already have and that you have always wanted her to be a big sister, thank you for your perfect plan, and thank you in advance for being patient with me. 

Gabriella Grace - 5 Months

I am not really a fan of the time passing so quickly.  It seems like just last week we were bringing her home from the hospital.   At the same time, it seems like this angel has been a part of our lives forever.  She changes everyday and keeps us on our toes.  

At 5 months Gabbi is rolling all over the place and sitting up by herself for a quick second.  She is getting very frustrated that she can't crawl yet, however scooting backwards seems like something fun for her!  She loves her paci, mostly when she is tired, but is becoming very aware that it's something she wants.  (yikes!)  She has also started fruits and veggies and absolutely loves baby food!  Peas and Apples are the favorite for now!  The bouncer is her best friend right now and any toy that has lights.  She is becoming interested in the mirror and touching her reflection.  Her voice is getting very loud, especially when her paci is on the floor in front of her and she can't get to it!  She still loves the swing for naps. She sleeps well at night still waking up for one feeding.  She loves being tickled but she hasn't really let out a full blown giggle yet, a couple of laughs, but I'm waiting for a belly shaking giggle!  We almost have a tooth or two, her gums are swollen, so we'll be praying that those come in smoothly!  She is going to Mother's Day Out twice a week and just loves it!  She is all smiles when I drop her off and a very happy baby when I pick her up.  In January she will begin "full-time" day care, although I won't keep her there all day. 

As for mommy, I am so enjoying her.  She is reaching for me now if someone else has her.  And when daddy gets home in the evening she reaches for him, you can tell she missed him all day!  Mornings are my favorite time with her.  She snuggles for a while and touches my face with her sweet hands.  It is getting hard to go to work with her because she is so much more active and only taking 2 short naps during the day, which is why we are starting day care.  I dread the first day I take her.  The day she started Mother's Day Out I cried the whole way to work, and as my receptionist says, I still cried at work!  She will be in the school where my mom works though so that helps a bunch.  The guilt though, oh the guilt.  It is truly a double edged sword.  I feel guilty for taking her to work and not playing with her as much during the day, she is so active and needs the attention.  On the other hand, being with someone else all day means she doesn't get as much of mommy and that breaks my heart.  However, getting to know her personality more everyday, I know that she loves being around people and playing and interacting so I'm sure she will be a great fit there.  (I say that now, until I drop her off!)  I am happy to report that the initial feelings of a new mommy, you know the ones, (pure exhaustion, being inadequate, constantly overwhelmed, crying at the drop of a paci) have all passed as Gabbi and I learn each other better.  I am slowly able to (or at least thinking about it!) leave her with family members for longer periods of time.  Very slowly, but I'm getting there.  Hey, we are even getting on a plane in a couple of weeks.. look at me go!

I was about to add pictures but she is stirring so you'll just have to check out Instagram, there are plenty..  (this also means I am not spell checking or grammer checking so I hope my sister doesn't read this)  
Until next time!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Gabriella Grace Brannon - Birth Story

Tuesday, June 18th Blake and I went to the doctor to check on our baby.  I had been experiencing high blood pressure for a couple of weeks and once again, it was high on this day.  We took a peek at Gabbi on the ultrasound and couldn't believe how much she had grown since our last peek!  The doctor asked how we felt about being induced and explain the risks of high blood pressure.  He was extremely sensitive to the things we had recently been through and went through the pros and cons of being induced.  After we decided that even the cons of being induced outweighed the risk of my blood pressure situation, he told us he was most comfortable getting this started on Thursday (39 weeks pregnant).  I wish you all could have seen Blake's face, he looked like he had seen a ghost!  With excitement and fear we agreed to be induced in just 36 hours!  
Wednesday was a little crazy!  I was filled with anxious thoughts knowing I would be meeting this baby that has taken up my entire abdomen as her home the last 9 months.  I packed, unpacked, repacked, double and triple checking the "hospital packing list".  I probably texted my sister, who had a baby just just 5 1/2 weeks before, a thousand times making sure I wasn't forgetting anything.  Needless to say, we did not sleep much Wednesday night!
Thursday morning we checked into the hospital at 5:30am.  Getting started was actually pretty quick, thanks to our small hospital I suppose!  My doctor started me on an induction process without using drugs.  If I explained you would stop reading so I'll just leave it at that!  This process was very easy on me and the baby and worked perfectly.  The downside of this process, it's a long one!  Although for Blake and I the day didn't seem to drag, probably because I was making steady progress and we kept ourselves busy with cards.  Somewhere between 3 and 5pm I was ready for a little pain medication but not quite ready for the epidural.  (I was terrified that if I had the epidural too soon it would stop working before I had her!)  Let's just say I will not make that mistake again!  The lady administering the pain medication said it would make me feel a little funny.  A little funny is not what I felt!  That crazy medicine made me feel like I had taken 12 tequila shots (or what I imagine that would feel like!).  Although it did help me sleep and build up some strength, I will never ask for that again, I feel "funny" just thinking about it!!
Somewhere between 5 and 7pm I was dilated enough to start petocin and get my epidural.  (Yes, I am an epidural fan-get over it.)  I have to say that I think starting them at the same time is really what made this long process so doable.  Anyway, I'll get to that!  After the petocin I continued to make progress, dilating slowly but surely.  At some point in the middle of the night (if you can't tell already, I never knew what time it was!) the epidural stopped working in my right butt cheek.  Yes that's right, just one cheek!  And boy was that enough pain for me (and Blake!  He didn't like me hurting!).  According to my mom I started asking for my sister to occupy my side opposite Blake at about 4:30am.  I was confused on why she was at my house, obviously not knowing the time!  She came to mine and Blake's rescue between 7 and 8am right as we were getting very weary.  She was a blessing to have in the room for a short while just before pushing to keep us encouraged but mostly just to keep us from freaking out.  
At 9am my doctor came in to check on our progress and finally tell us it's time to push!  The nurses got the room ready and he went to tell our family it was time.  And then.. everyone disappeared.  Here we were, adrenaline pumping, ready to push, and we can't find anyone!  Apparently the L&D had a rush of other soon to be moms at that very moment.  Finally, everyone comes rushing back in and it's go time.  I pushed for about 30 minutes before we saw that sweet baby, all her hair, and heard her extremely developed lungs screaming!  Gah she was beautiful.  We cried, kissed, cried some more, hugged and stared at this miracle God gave us.  Gabriella Grace was born at 9:51am on June 21, 2013. She weighed 8 pounds 2 ounces and was 20.25 inches long.  
Very quickly, as they were measuring and weighing our Gabriella, our doctor and nurses began rushing around.  Pounding on my stomach, shots in my thighs, and explaining that I would need a blood transfusion.  Luckily I was so light headed from the blood loss I didn't really know what was going on, but Blake did and his sweet face look terrified.  He paced back and forth between Gabbi and I, not knowing what to do or where to go as the number of nurses double in our room.  We continued to cry and smile at the warmer across the room, not knowing fully what was happening with me.  With a few drop kicks to my stomach and two units of blood I was good to go.  We are so thankful for my doctor and all the nurses at the hospital who acted so quickly to stop the bleeding and get me back to normal!  It took a little while for the dizziness to go away and kick the fever I had developed, but who even cares!  They put my baby in my arms and I didn't have a care in the world.  
Soon the family began flooding in, one after the other to welcome this child to the world.  The next 12 hours, at least, were a big blur!  But I know that we had some very sweet visitors and I apologize if I slept through your visit.  For a while I had not control over my eye lids, they would literally close in mid sentence.  Gabbi was a great eater and sleeper from the very start, thankfully because we were exhausted!  We were finally able to take our daughter home on Sunday the 23rd where she finally got to meet her cousins Brooks and Caroline.  
Since then our lives have changed, yes, but neither of us remember what life was like before her.  We love being this sweet things parents!  She is a very good baby, sleeping 5 hour stretches at night (sometimes more) and eating perfectly!  She has recently begun smiling and cooing at us and now prefers to be swaddled at night!  She is a cuddle bug!  Gabriella is definitely a mommas girl, for now, and loves loves loves her swing!!  
Our hearts are so full from all of your sweet comments, messages, cards, and gifts!  This child is blessed beyond measure!  I hope to keep you all updated on her happenings, though my computer time is now limited (for a very good reason!).  Keep the prayers coming for her and for us as we journey through life together.  

Thank you God for this miracle.  Thank you for giving me the desires of my heart as you promised you would! 

I'm Not In Hiding

My last post was at 35 weeks pregnant.  After that, things got a little crazy around here.  We were enjoying my mom living here while her house was being built, she was so much help tying up loose ends around the house and nursery before the baby arrived.  Also during this time is when my grandfather got very sick.  I was an extremely lucky girl to be 24 years old and have all of my grandpartents living.  In fact, I have been fortunate to not have many experiences with death at all.  My dad's brother passed away when I was very young and my sweet aunt passed away just a couple of years ago.  I have always thought of death as a celebration.  I mean seriously, there is no place I would rather be than in Heaven with my Father.  I always wanted the pain to go away for my loved ones and I knew only God could do that.
My family, all of them, began making trips to visit with my grandfather.  Unfortunately I was the only one that missed out on this because of the 6 hour drive.  This was harder than I imagined.  I kept reminding myself that he would know I wanted to be there and that he knew how much I loved him.  I so badly wanted him to meet the sweet baby in my stomach.  She would have loved him as much as I did.  At 38 weeks pregnant, my grandpa passed away.  My view on death was suddenly shaken.  Not only did I not get a few last hugs from him, I was unable to attend the funeral.  My heart was broken, and with tears falling on this keyboard, it still is.  All of my friends and extended family, near and far, were sweet to send encouraging words to me and to my family during this time.  I tried to stay busy around the house and focus on the health of myself and my baby as my blood pressure was getting high.  I found myself in bed during the funeral talking to my grandfather in Heaven, praying for my family at the funeral, and thinking about my grandmother who had spent the last 60 years waking up to her best friend.  I knew he was sitting next to me, and he knew where I wanted to be.  Little did I know, he would be watching over the birth of my daughter the following week.

I love you, Dad.  I miss you everyday.  I am so thankful to have known you and grateful for the example of what a Godly husband, dad, and grandfather looks like.  You are an amazing man!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

35 Weeks

35 Weeks

Thank you Kathlyn Dragna for the amazing maternity session!  This sweet lady has done just about all of our pictures for years and she somehow has the ability to keep Blake comfortable!  Love her!

How far along:  35 weeks
Gender:  Girl
Movement:  So many stinkin' hiccups, poor girl!  
Weight Gain: 22 pounds, yikes!
Maternity Clothes:  I have to say, I'm so ready to have my normal clothes back!
Stretch Marks:  No, but I can't see the under side so who knows! 
Sleeping Habits:  Oh so sleepy!!  Restless legs and acid reflux keep me up more than I'd like. 
Miss Anything:  Being able to reach my feet. (thank you honey for tying my shoes!)
Appetite:  Eh--snacking mucho because meals no longer fit in there. 
Cravings:  Tons of fruit going in and out of my house!  But today I want BHS cafeteria peanut butter corn flake bars!  If you can find a way to smuggle me some I will be your best friend :)
Symptoms:  Pretty uncomfortable with the feet in my left ribs and the butt in my right ribs, back aches, crampy just from muscles streching.. you know, the usual. 
Belly Button:  Out a little but it's still lookin' pretty good ;) 
Mood:  I suppose I have to be honest.. I have had moments of freaking out.  All very selfishly wondering what our new life will look like with another person along for every ride, every dinner, every vacation and of course just day to day, sun up to sun down having this sweet thing to care for.  (I know, I know, I already admitted it was selfish-stop with the judgement!)  On the other hand, I am just beside myself to get her here and love her so much for the rest of my life!
Favorite Moments:  So, I completely enjoyed Gabbi this month with all the hiccups and everything, but my top FAVORITE moment was meeting my new niece Caroline Kayte.  There she is below with my sister and brother-in-law.  Aren't they precious?!  She is the sweetest, cuddliest, squishiest little peanut I've ever met!!  She is a great eater and sleeper already and loves to cuddle with Auntie Syd and her very proud big bro Brooks!!  I was so lucky to be able to travel to San Antonio and spend some serious lazy time with her and my sister before my doc cut off my traveling alone!  Blake and I have one little get away left next week (notice my trying to hoard all of his love and attention, bottle it up, and keep it in a safe place before he is forever shared with another women that will refer to him as "Daddy"!) and plan to stop by their house to see them for the last time before there are 2 sweet girls in the family!  Gabbi kicked and punched the whole time I was with Caroline, I know they will be best friends like their mommies and I just can't wait for them to meet!!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

30 Weeks

Where is the time going?! A little over two months to go just doesn't seem like enough time to finish cooking in there!  We are getting more and more excited and anxious to meet this sweet thang!  Keep kickin' little miss, we love you!

How far along:  30 weeks
Gender:  Girl
Movement:  Major rolling going on!  
Weight Gain: 14 pounds (growing much?!)
Maternity Clothes:  Who said they didn't love strechy pants?
Stretch Marks:  No
Sleeping Habits:  Sleep a little, pee a lot, sleep a little, pee a lot.
Miss Anything:  My waist, only a little!
Appetite:  Feel like I'm back in the first trimester.. nothing sounds good! (besides my cravings)
Cravings:  Chocolate, noodles, pie, honey.
Symptoms:  Still so sleepy!
Belly Button:  Slowly making it's way OUT! 
Mood:  Slightly irritable, but getting excited about this little peanut!
Favorite Moments:  Finally getting compliments on "the belly".  No, I'm not just gaining weight for fun ;) And we got to welcome sweet, beautiful, tiny Micah to the world!  He is ready for his playmate!

Monday, March 18, 2013

25 Weeks

Sweet Gabriella, meet mom's ribs.  They are the bones above you that are aparently cramping your space.  It may come as a surprise to you, but they ARE in fact attached and I DO in fact have to keep them.  Please be gentle.  
I love you (and your kicks), Mommy

How far along:  25 weeks
Gender:  Girl
Movement:  Oh so much movement!  
Weight Gain: 4 pounds
Maternity Clothes:  Full on maternity clothes now!  This belly is getting big!
Stretch Marks:  No
Sleeping Habits:  Sleeping is getting harder and I am wanting it more!
Miss Anything:  Bending over without getting out of breath!
Appetite:  Normal.  Still small meals and snacks throughout the day. 
Cravings:  Non fat, decaf, iced white mocha, whip first, then shake!
Symptoms:  Extra tired and unfortunately very moody. (poor Daddy!)
Belly Button:  Flat - and weird looking hah!
Mood:  Depends on the hour, but I'm enjoying all the kicks, punches and stretching!  
Favorite Moments:  Our 3/4D ultrasound.  Just look at that sweet face!  She has my nose and chin we think, but definitely her dad's very busy personality.  She had her umbilical cord nicely piled on her chest, clinging tightly to it and even trying to suck on it.  Technology these days amazes me! 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Pregnancy So Far...

Picture compliments of my not so professional photographer: Daddy

Today marks 20 weeks!!  I can't believe the time has gone by so quickly.  So far pregnancy is just a miracle.  The first 3 and a half months kicked my butt for sure!  With all the barfing, not eating, and headaches..whew it was rough.  But all of that abruptly stopped right at 14 weeks and I have been very comfortable since.  Right about 15 weeks is when my belly decided to take a turn for the round, then at 17 weeks I noticed quite a bit more roundness going on, and of course right now it seems so large to me!  I know, I are all thinking "just you wait!".  Being new to this I always wonder if it looks normal or if it is growing like it should be (the belly I mean).. but the truth is I don't care.  This belly is pretty cool!  

Just in the last week Gabbi has gotten really strong!  The flutters are now a definite punch or kick.  I catch myself at my desk several times a day laughing out loud at her movements.  I'm afraid her personality is developing rather early, and I'm even more afraid it's a little like her mommy!  Blake and I talk often about how crazy we are about her already!  We imagine taking her on different trips and all the things she will experience in life.  I tend to get pretty overwhelmed with all the things she will learn from me as her mommy and it's making me want to be better at everything I do.  Needless to say, this sweet girl has already changed our lives!

I may regret this as the pounds increase, but here is my first of the famous blogworld pregnancy survey:

How far along:  20 weeks
Gender:  Girl
Movement:  I can now feel her most of the day, and of course right when I get still in bed she is ready to play
Weight Gain:  I lost 2.5 in the 1st trimester so believe it or not I still have 1 lb to go to be back to where I started  (yes, yes, I know they will come)
Maternity Clothes:  Bottoms yes, tops will be very soon to follow
Stretch Marks:  No
Sleeping Habits:  Could be better, could be worse.  Lots of potty breaks and rolling around
Miss Anything:  Sushi, wine, and my regular jeans
Appetite:  Pretty normal so far.  I eat small meals because I get full very fast.  I am definitely not overeating, but I am expecting that to come also.
Cravings:  Spicy food, crawfish, and a little chocolate every now and then
Symptoms:  Occasional headaches and very, I mean very, tired
Belly Button:  In
Mood:  Excited to be half way!  But my sweet husband would probably say that I'm freaking out about our "before she gets here to do list"!
Favorite Moments:  The first time Blake felt her move.  And definitely just getting to feel her all day, such an incredible feeling. 

Monday, January 21, 2013

Tickled Pink

I have been putting this post off because I wanted to be very sure that...

We went for a 15 week appointment where the doctor mentioned that we might be able to see what we were working with here.  So Blake and I had been discussing if we wanted to know the sex or if we wanted to find out with our family.  For a whole month we thought we would do a small gathering with immediate family and  all find out together.  However, it was killing me.  I woke up the morning of the appointment so anxious I couldn't even stand it!  Blake and I talked it over and still hadn't made a decision in the elevator at the doctor's office.  So there we were, staring at our little peanut and the doctor asked.. "so, do you want to know the sex?"  With absolutely NO hesitation Blake says "YES!"  

Dr. Campbell described the parts and we nodded even though we really weren't too sure what he was pointing at.  He was 90% sure it was a GIRL.  For me 90% is basically 100%.. For Blake this means that there are still 10 percents unanswered ;)  

We were so excited to break the news to our family two days later.  My sister is due with a GIRL just 5 weeks before us so it was a pretty special moment!  Kaylee and I are very close, though 6 years difference in age, and we pray that these sweet GIRLS will share the same bond as their mommy's do!  

That was all 3 weeks ago!  Today we went for an appointment at the hospital that our doctor scheduled.  He called it a full bladder, or full anatomy ultrasound.  Blake and I weren't too sure what to expect.. I mean how many different ultrasounds are there?!  A sweet lady explained that some doctors like to look at ALL of the baby's parts.  And I do mean ALL!  She measured all the bones, belly, head, organs, all of it.. and it all looked great!  We are now just about 18 weeks and she said it was definitely still a GIRL!  She is getting so big and still extremely active in there.  We laughed at several of the techs comments, but just to name a couple.. "She is in the weirdest positions!", "That is her knee.. next to her chin!"  Must be taking after mommy!

Gabriella Grace Brannon and Caroline Kayte Roznovsky,
I love you both to pieces already!  We all can't wait to meet you two!