Friday, November 22, 2013

Deja Vu

There is only one way to start this blog post...
{we are having ANOTHER baby}

I read over the post announcing the news of our first baby, that I wrote less than a year ago, before writing this one and I have to say the feelings of excitement and fear are EXACTLY the same.  The only difference is that we did not wait so long for this precious one.  

"Was this planned?"is the question we have been getting, and the answer is.. ish.  
Because it took quite a while to get pregnant with Gabbi, we thought maybe it would take a while this time too, so we decided that we would just let it happen and be ready anytime.  The morning we found out was pretty funny because we wanted to yell and scream but we had a 3 and half month old snoozing not far from us!  We laughed and cried and hugged for a long time.  

I quickly called our nurse to make sure it was even possible and asked if I should take more tests to make sure, and she says "oh yeah, it's always possible but if it makes you feel better you can test again!" so she made us an appointment.  We took Gabbi with us to meet her new sibling, even though she didn't have a clue what was happening, and sure enough there was the tiny grain of rice with a heart beating away.  The time is flying by this time.  Today we went for our second appointment and my blood work.  I am 11 weeks and we couldn't believe how big the baby had gotten.  Fast heart beat like Gabbi's was and already moving all around!  Our doctor laughs at our jokes about having just gone through this and suggested we name the baby "Deja"!  

I guess that is it for now.  We will go back just before Christmas to see if we can see any boy or girl parts!  For now I will be praying for big {little} sister, a healthy new baby, an appetite, energy, and that the awful heartburn does not happen this time!  All encouraging comments are more than welcome.  I have mostly been getting comments like "this is going to be hard" or "wow that will be tough" or "Gabbi won't even get to be a baby".  You can imagine that those are a little discouraging so I'm working through that.  God's plan is perfect, all the time.  With our first miracle His timing took much longer than we liked,  and with this miracle it was a little sooner than we expected.  But either way, it is perfect and we are just thrilled.  Why God thinks I can handle 2 babes 11 months apart I do not know, but I know that He can handle it!

Thank you Jesus for this new sweet baby, thank you for the sweet baby we already have and that you have always wanted her to be a big sister, thank you for your perfect plan, and thank you in advance for being patient with me. 

Gabriella Grace - 5 Months

I am not really a fan of the time passing so quickly.  It seems like just last week we were bringing her home from the hospital.   At the same time, it seems like this angel has been a part of our lives forever.  She changes everyday and keeps us on our toes.  

At 5 months Gabbi is rolling all over the place and sitting up by herself for a quick second.  She is getting very frustrated that she can't crawl yet, however scooting backwards seems like something fun for her!  She loves her paci, mostly when she is tired, but is becoming very aware that it's something she wants.  (yikes!)  She has also started fruits and veggies and absolutely loves baby food!  Peas and Apples are the favorite for now!  The bouncer is her best friend right now and any toy that has lights.  She is becoming interested in the mirror and touching her reflection.  Her voice is getting very loud, especially when her paci is on the floor in front of her and she can't get to it!  She still loves the swing for naps. She sleeps well at night still waking up for one feeding.  She loves being tickled but she hasn't really let out a full blown giggle yet, a couple of laughs, but I'm waiting for a belly shaking giggle!  We almost have a tooth or two, her gums are swollen, so we'll be praying that those come in smoothly!  She is going to Mother's Day Out twice a week and just loves it!  She is all smiles when I drop her off and a very happy baby when I pick her up.  In January she will begin "full-time" day care, although I won't keep her there all day. 

As for mommy, I am so enjoying her.  She is reaching for me now if someone else has her.  And when daddy gets home in the evening she reaches for him, you can tell she missed him all day!  Mornings are my favorite time with her.  She snuggles for a while and touches my face with her sweet hands.  It is getting hard to go to work with her because she is so much more active and only taking 2 short naps during the day, which is why we are starting day care.  I dread the first day I take her.  The day she started Mother's Day Out I cried the whole way to work, and as my receptionist says, I still cried at work!  She will be in the school where my mom works though so that helps a bunch.  The guilt though, oh the guilt.  It is truly a double edged sword.  I feel guilty for taking her to work and not playing with her as much during the day, she is so active and needs the attention.  On the other hand, being with someone else all day means she doesn't get as much of mommy and that breaks my heart.  However, getting to know her personality more everyday, I know that she loves being around people and playing and interacting so I'm sure she will be a great fit there.  (I say that now, until I drop her off!)  I am happy to report that the initial feelings of a new mommy, you know the ones, (pure exhaustion, being inadequate, constantly overwhelmed, crying at the drop of a paci) have all passed as Gabbi and I learn each other better.  I am slowly able to (or at least thinking about it!) leave her with family members for longer periods of time.  Very slowly, but I'm getting there.  Hey, we are even getting on a plane in a couple of weeks.. look at me go!

I was about to add pictures but she is stirring so you'll just have to check out Instagram, there are plenty..  (this also means I am not spell checking or grammer checking so I hope my sister doesn't read this)  
Until next time!