Tuesday, May 28, 2013

35 Weeks

35 Weeks

Thank you Kathlyn Dragna for the amazing maternity session!  This sweet lady has done just about all of our pictures for years and she somehow has the ability to keep Blake comfortable!  Love her!

How far along:  35 weeks
Gender:  Girl
Movement:  So many stinkin' hiccups, poor girl!  
Weight Gain: 22 pounds, yikes!
Maternity Clothes:  I have to say, I'm so ready to have my normal clothes back!
Stretch Marks:  No, but I can't see the under side so who knows! 
Sleeping Habits:  Oh so sleepy!!  Restless legs and acid reflux keep me up more than I'd like. 
Miss Anything:  Being able to reach my feet. (thank you honey for tying my shoes!)
Appetite:  Eh--snacking mucho because meals no longer fit in there. 
Cravings:  Tons of fruit going in and out of my house!  But today I want BHS cafeteria peanut butter corn flake bars!  If you can find a way to smuggle me some I will be your best friend :)
Symptoms:  Pretty uncomfortable with the feet in my left ribs and the butt in my right ribs, back aches, crampy just from muscles streching.. you know, the usual. 
Belly Button:  Out a little but it's still lookin' pretty good ;) 
Mood:  I suppose I have to be honest.. I have had moments of freaking out.  All very selfishly wondering what our new life will look like with another person along for every ride, every dinner, every vacation and of course just day to day, sun up to sun down having this sweet thing to care for.  (I know, I know, I already admitted it was selfish-stop with the judgement!)  On the other hand, I am just beside myself to get her here and love her so much for the rest of my life!
Favorite Moments:  So, I completely enjoyed Gabbi this month with all the hiccups and everything, but my top FAVORITE moment was meeting my new niece Caroline Kayte.  There she is below with my sister and brother-in-law.  Aren't they precious?!  She is the sweetest, cuddliest, squishiest little peanut I've ever met!!  She is a great eater and sleeper already and loves to cuddle with Auntie Syd and her very proud big bro Brooks!!  I was so lucky to be able to travel to San Antonio and spend some serious lazy time with her and my sister before my doc cut off my traveling alone!  Blake and I have one little get away left next week (notice my trying to hoard all of his love and attention, bottle it up, and keep it in a safe place before he is forever shared with another women that will refer to him as "Daddy"!) and plan to stop by their house to see them for the last time before there are 2 sweet girls in the family!  Gabbi kicked and punched the whole time I was with Caroline, I know they will be best friends like their mommies and I just can't wait for them to meet!!