Pregnancy So Far...
Picture compliments of my not so professional photographer: Daddy
Today marks 20 weeks!! I can't believe the time has gone by so quickly. So far pregnancy is just a miracle. The first 3 and a half months kicked my butt for sure! With all the barfing, not eating, and headaches..whew it was rough. But all of that abruptly stopped right at 14 weeks and I have been very comfortable since. Right about 15 weeks is when my belly decided to take a turn for the round, then at 17 weeks I noticed quite a bit more roundness going on, and of course right now it seems so large to me! I know, I are all thinking "just you wait!". Being new to this I always wonder if it looks normal or if it is growing like it should be (the belly I mean).. but the truth is I don't care. This belly is pretty cool!
Just in the last week Gabbi has gotten really strong! The flutters are now a definite punch or kick. I catch myself at my desk several times a day laughing out loud at her movements. I'm afraid her personality is developing rather early, and I'm even more afraid it's a little like her mommy! Blake and I talk often about how crazy we are about her already! We imagine taking her on different trips and all the things she will experience in life. I tend to get pretty overwhelmed with all the things she will learn from me as her mommy and it's making me want to be better at everything I do. Needless to say, this sweet girl has already changed our lives!
I may regret this as the pounds increase, but here is my first of the famous blogworld pregnancy survey:
How far along: 20 weeks
Gender: Girl
Movement: I can now feel her most of the day, and of course right when I get still in bed she is ready to play
Weight Gain: I lost 2.5 in the 1st trimester so believe it or not I still have 1 lb to go to be back to where I started (yes, yes, I know they will come)
Maternity Clothes: Bottoms yes, tops will be very soon to follow
Stretch Marks: No
Sleeping Habits: Could be better, could be worse. Lots of potty breaks and rolling around
Miss Anything: Sushi, wine, and my regular jeans
Appetite: Pretty normal so far. I eat small meals because I get full very fast. I am definitely not overeating, but I am expecting that to come also.
Cravings: Spicy food, crawfish, and a little chocolate every now and then
Symptoms: Occasional headaches and very, I mean very, tired
Belly Button: In
Mood: Excited to be half way! But my sweet husband would probably say that I'm freaking out about our "before she gets here to do list"!
Favorite Moments: The first time Blake felt her move. And definitely just getting to feel her all day, such an incredible feeling.